Wind of change in Algeria


dimanche 29 avril 2007

Tramway d'Alger: Voici une image inédite

Voici a quoi ressemblera le futur Tramway d'Alger; futuriste, design fluide, un vrai bijou téchnologique qui sortira bientot des ateliers d'Alsthom Transport filiale du géant français ALSTHOM.


  • Unfortunately the intial euphoria with the WiMax deployment by Galaxia Telecom has been seriously slowed down by the lack of investment by Galaxia Telecom. The current situation is that many of their partners and suppliers and partners have not been paid and this has significantly slowed the deployment of the network. It is unlikely that the situation will improve in the near future.

    By Anonymous Anonyme, at 19 janvier, 2008 19:32  

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